Wednesday, February 8, 2017

An Asian Auschwitz
            Have you ever heard of the Japanese torture camp named Unit 731? Probably not, this Japanese camp is just as bad if not worse than the camps Hitler had established for the holocaust for the genocide on the Jewish people. Unit 731 is close to the top of the list of torture camps During WW2. They performed acts and experiments that most heartless people wouldn’t even do to animals, to humans on a daily basis.
            They acted as if they were The Anti-Epidemic Water Supply and Purification Bureau and nobody ever questioned them. All of the employees that work there just knew it as unit 731.  This place was set up as a biological warfare unit in 1936 by a physician and army officer named Shiro Ishi. Ishii made his mission crystal clear. "A doctor's God-given mission is to block and treat disease," he told his staff, "but the work on which we are now to embark is the complete opposite of those principles." (Quotes taken straight out of article.)
            The people that worked there did nothing other than exactly what they are told to do. This place was run by the emperor. Whatever he said went. They had their smartest scientists and doctors working on these tests and experiments. They did many horrible things to humans just to because the emperor said to. One of the main things they were looking for was a different more harsh way to fight battles. Like drop bombs of fleas. They even contaminated large amounts water of countries they didn’t like. Some of the other tests they performed weren’t just ways of biological warfare; they took tests on the human body physically. They would cut off limbs to test the amount of blood that was lost in the process. The prisoners would get locked into high pressure chambers until their eyes popped out of their sockets. They would also drench people and then lead them out into the cold mountain snow region, until the prisoner would freeze. They would bring them back in and hit them to see if they froze all the way and watch the prisoner get frostbite and gangrene.
            These experiments were unknown from the U.S. public for decades. Partially because the government pardoned everyone who they found guilty of partaking in the unit 731 events. They traded no punishment, for all of the evidence and the information that they obtained during the tortuous events. Which in a way that was a good thing to gain all they information, but it was bad of us to not do anything about it.
            I would someday maybe like to get to see the artifacts and experiments from the original Unit 731. Knowing that what they did to humans back then makes me feel very bad for the people that had to endure all those experiments. It also sickens me that the United States never did anything to punish the sick twisted people who ran Unit 731. This article makes me question a lot of other things that may or may not have actually happened. Hopefully someday we will be exposed to a few more twisted secrets like this one.


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