Friday, August 25, 2017

Psychology assignment 1
My favorite word is euphoric.
My least favorite word is yeet.
I like being a senior.
I don’t like being a kid still.
I have always wanted to be a hunting guide.
I would never try to become a brain surgeon.
Three words to describe myself,
Diligent, empathetic, witty
            I personally wanted to take psychology so I can learn more about how our brain works and how people think. I have always thought I can understand people easily so I feel this course will be very interesting to take. I plan on learning as much as I can while taking this course. I would like to learn about many famous people who have had brain troubles. Also learning about how brain diseases work and how they affect people’s brains. There are some people who make irrational choices for no apparent reason. I want to know why their brains work in ways that seems less logical than others. Some may say I am taking this class because of no other options but I would have taken it if I had a different option. If I learn to really like this class I might think about going into a career dealing with psychology. I want you to further my understanding of psychology and broaden my knowledge. I would like to have you teach us some of the mind tricks you can play. You are the most powerful wizard I have ever met. It would be awesome if you teach us how hypnotizing works.

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