Tuesday, February 20, 2018

            The saying "Society knows perfectly well how to kill a man and has methods more subtle than death" is so very true I have a hard time choosing one example. In many ways society limits individuals to not reaching their highest potential. For example, the way we are brought up and educated. A very high percentage of very good jobs and careers that a lot of people will end up falling into do not require a secondary education. Going to college for 4 years for something you don’t need is going to put you in serious debt. Going to college and coming out 40 to 80 thousand in debt is setting yourself up for failure. If you have a 10-dollar bill in your pocket and you have 0 dollars in debt, you are wealthier that a lot of Americans.
Depending on the situation we get into, there comes a point where we can't separate our civilized self from our savage self. I believe that in most situations our savage self will almost always come out. Fight or flight is a real phenomenon that occurs in our brain when put under stress. After reading LOTF I understand what the meaning of civilized vs savage is.  The kids started losing a sense of what was right and wrong, and they went off pure emotions and it was straight savage. Our lives are controlled by a compilation of attributes that make us who we are, and we have a natural drive to turn savage. 
Civilization is created by certain individuals who want power and other individuals who are willing to just let them take charge. So, you have people who start making rules and assigning people to jobs. Other individuals start putting their input in and eventually the society will grow. There will become other parts of the civilization with people doing things that they feel is relevant to the big picture. Most people conform and let society control them in ways that they still feel in total control. People will say well “I made the decision to do this or that” but, what made them feel comfortable with making that choice? Society plays a big role.

The LOTF wasn’t talking about anything. Simon was hallucinating so bad. He was being drove insane by being away for so long or he maybe found some fruit that was probably a pretty cool experience in the jungle but since he was kind of young it drove him bonkers. He was always alone so he had a lot of time to drive himself insane (maybe a lot of introspective thinking).  Or nobody else around to share the fruit with. 

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