Friday, November 10, 2017

Can we really measure intelligence?
            This article portrayed some new ideas I have never thought about before when thinking about how smart people really are. They talk about the different types of IQ tests and other studies that portray a special skill of having intelligence in one individual. For many years peoples power they possess in their brain has been measured by intelligence. What is it that they are actually measuring?
            By telling someone to read some questions and have them answer the questions, and whatever comes back as a result, is how intelligent you really are. Wrong. There needs to be many other factors taken into consideration. Things like a person’s age, gender, race, where you grew up are all factors to think about. Telling someone how smart they are by having them answer questions that don’t really pertain to them or what they will need to do in life isn’t a correct way of telling them they are incompetent. IQ tests have been around since before they really even knew what they were testing for.  

            Intelligence has many different ways to show, the main two are crystalized and fluid intelligence. Crystalized is basically the knowledge you would have learned directly from getting the education that is required by law. On the other hand fluid intelligence is gained by learning to solve new things on your own. Scientists have been finding new ways to classify intelligence based on many different factors than the traditional math and verbal skills. I totally agree that our intelligence isn’t really something that should be measured by schooling. We have fallen from our roots of being able to be independent and not worry about a test score limiting you to a unsuccessful future.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

  After reading this article I feel about the same as I did before. This article in my opinion was correct about almost everything they talked about.  It is almost common sense to know that most of the murders or killings we have were cause because of males. Males sometimes feel a sense of manhood being lost and they feel they should do something super irrational and act out in a way that makes them feel like a man again. The main reason for males and females to have a wide difference in killing or being killed, is age. “At age 10, males and females have an equal probability of being murdered. But by the time men are into their 20's, they become six times more likely to be murdered.”- statement from CNN news. At the same time males also have a greater competitive drive than females do. It is a natural instinct to be better than the next person. Being put into high risk situations compels males to be the most macho manly man possible.  

            Giving mentally unstable males, a competitive drive alone can be enough to spark a flame that could get out of hand but as soon as you add guns it gets twice as easy. When people get together and add drugs, alcohol, and guns it almost always ends in a conflict. So us as males should be more careful in choosing the situations we get ourselves in. We also need to be careful when picking the people we surround ourselves by. "After I picked up the handgun," he explained, "I brought it back to my room and felt a new sense of power. Who's the alpha male now, bitches?" this is a quote out of the article I read. That alone makes me feel like I should have trust issues.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I do not really agree with them saying they won’t take videos of gay people. If I owned a videography business I would personally take all the business I could get. Whether they are gay, straight, or bi I would take a video of their wedding if they asked me too. That company has every right to deny anyone service if they want to. They don’t feel right video taping a gay couple because of their religious beliefs, that is allowed because of our first amendment in the constitution. I feel that there was no need for a big lawsuit over this. They were just trying to get money out of people for no apparent reason. That was a huge waste of everyone’s time and money to take this to court. If you get denied a service move on to the next place and do what it takes to get your stuff done without infringing on other people’s beliefs.  If this would have happened in many different states, other than Minnesota, they wouldn’t even be allowed to take this matter to court. You are different than what people are used to. Get ready to be treated different. Life is easy if you make it that way.

Monday, September 25, 2017

My first memory is from when I was probably 2 years old. I was at a Roslyn baseball game and Tyler Block and Jeff Johnson gave me a piece of bubble gum and i just swallowed it and asked for more right away. (This was the first time I tried gum.)

The first lie I remember telling was that i was a backup spiderman actor behind hamann.
My proposed amendment
The availability of a minimum wage shall not be allowed. One shall work for the amount of what they are worth. Wage will not be depended on age, gender, marital status, or whether you have kids, but by a persons value to their employer.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Image result for hunting ads
Us-The pile of trophies.
Cs- Under armour
Ur- getting trophies
Cr- using under armour to kill animals.
5th amendment
You do not have to answer any question you are asked if you don’t want to.
The 5th amendment gives you the right to not incriminate yourself.
What is the historical background of this amendment?
It was added to the constitution in 1789 for the protection of the people.
What does this amendment mean today?
It means you don’t have to testify if you don’t want to. In the court room, you can get yourself in trouble without even knowing you are.
Present examples of current issues involving this amendment.

A Texas man’s conviction was overturned because of a 5th amendment violation.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mind and Brain

1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
An abundance of an amino acid called methionine found in some foods, leading to schizophrenia.
 2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
more than one, they would inject pregnant mice.
 3- Was there a control group?
Yes, you almost always should have one to refer to.
 4- How were the subjects chosen?
They chose pregnant mice
 5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
Injected them with methionine
 6- How did the subjects react?
Pups of the injected mothers experienced worsened effects of schizophrenia
 7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?
1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
If not getting enough sleep impairs your daily life.
2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
14 males
3- Was there a control group?
4- How were the subjects chosen?
By age and gender. Male aging from 18-23
5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
Made them go to sleep and then tracked their behavior the day after.
6- How did the subjects react?
The less sleep you get the riskier decisions you make.
7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected? Yes
Bipolar disorder
1-      In one sentence, what was the research about?
Obesity being a problem in today’s society, and bipolar disorder contributing.
2-      How many subjects were used in the experiment?
More than one
3-      Was there a control group?
Not that I know of.
4-      How were the subjects chosen?
By their age and medical conditions
5-      What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
They put them through a long-term weight loss course
6-      How did the subjects react?
they reacted well
7-      Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?
Yes they found out some evidence that correlated with what they had thought.

1-      In one sentence, what was the research about?
Marijuana leading to hypertension deaths.
2-      How many subjects were used in the experiment?
3-      Was there a control group?
Yes, in a way the non-marijuana smokers were the control group
4-      How were the subjects chosen?
If they were older than 20 years of age, and they took a survey
5-      What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
asked them about their correlation with cigarette and marijuana use
6-      How did the subjects react?
Calmly by answering the questions
7-      Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

Yes they responded with similar answers to what they were expecting

Friday, August 25, 2017

Psychology assignment 1
My favorite word is euphoric.
My least favorite word is yeet.
I like being a senior.
I don’t like being a kid still.
I have always wanted to be a hunting guide.
I would never try to become a brain surgeon.
Three words to describe myself,
Diligent, empathetic, witty
            I personally wanted to take psychology so I can learn more about how our brain works and how people think. I have always thought I can understand people easily so I feel this course will be very interesting to take. I plan on learning as much as I can while taking this course. I would like to learn about many famous people who have had brain troubles. Also learning about how brain diseases work and how they affect people’s brains. There are some people who make irrational choices for no apparent reason. I want to know why their brains work in ways that seems less logical than others. Some may say I am taking this class because of no other options but I would have taken it if I had a different option. If I learn to really like this class I might think about going into a career dealing with psychology. I want you to further my understanding of psychology and broaden my knowledge. I would like to have you teach us some of the mind tricks you can play. You are the most powerful wizard I have ever met. It would be awesome if you teach us how hypnotizing works.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

An Asian Auschwitz
            Have you ever heard of the Japanese torture camp named Unit 731? Probably not, this Japanese camp is just as bad if not worse than the camps Hitler had established for the holocaust for the genocide on the Jewish people. Unit 731 is close to the top of the list of torture camps During WW2. They performed acts and experiments that most heartless people wouldn’t even do to animals, to humans on a daily basis.
            They acted as if they were The Anti-Epidemic Water Supply and Purification Bureau and nobody ever questioned them. All of the employees that work there just knew it as unit 731.  This place was set up as a biological warfare unit in 1936 by a physician and army officer named Shiro Ishi. Ishii made his mission crystal clear. "A doctor's God-given mission is to block and treat disease," he told his staff, "but the work on which we are now to embark is the complete opposite of those principles." (Quotes taken straight out of article.)
            The people that worked there did nothing other than exactly what they are told to do. This place was run by the emperor. Whatever he said went. They had their smartest scientists and doctors working on these tests and experiments. They did many horrible things to humans just to because the emperor said to. One of the main things they were looking for was a different more harsh way to fight battles. Like drop bombs of fleas. They even contaminated large amounts water of countries they didn’t like. Some of the other tests they performed weren’t just ways of biological warfare; they took tests on the human body physically. They would cut off limbs to test the amount of blood that was lost in the process. The prisoners would get locked into high pressure chambers until their eyes popped out of their sockets. They would also drench people and then lead them out into the cold mountain snow region, until the prisoner would freeze. They would bring them back in and hit them to see if they froze all the way and watch the prisoner get frostbite and gangrene.
            These experiments were unknown from the U.S. public for decades. Partially because the government pardoned everyone who they found guilty of partaking in the unit 731 events. They traded no punishment, for all of the evidence and the information that they obtained during the tortuous events. Which in a way that was a good thing to gain all they information, but it was bad of us to not do anything about it.
            I would someday maybe like to get to see the artifacts and experiments from the original Unit 731. Knowing that what they did to humans back then makes me feel very bad for the people that had to endure all those experiments. It also sickens me that the United States never did anything to punish the sick twisted people who ran Unit 731. This article makes me question a lot of other things that may or may not have actually happened. Hopefully someday we will be exposed to a few more twisted secrets like this one.
